In SystemVerilog the foreach statement can be used to iterate over the elements of an array. Special attention should be payed to loop variables (SystemVerilog IEEE 1800-2012 LRM Chapter 12.7.3, page 281), as their behavior depends on how the array dimensions are specified at declaration.
For example:
module tb;
byte my_array[4:0];
initial begin
automatic byte counter = 5;
foreach(my_array[idx]) begin
my_array[idx] = counter++;
for(int i = 0; i < $size(my_array); i++) begin
$display("my_array[%0d]: %0d", i, my_array[i]);
One common mistake is to consider that the content of my_array is:
my_array[0]: 5
my_array[1]: 6
my_array[2]: 7
my_array[3]: 8
my_array[4]: 9
Actually, because the size of my_array was declared as a range from 4 to 0, the foreach loop variable idx goes from 4 down to 0, and the content of my_array is:
my_array[0]: 9
my_array[1]: 8
my_array[2]: 7
my_array[3]: 6
my_array[4]: 5
That's all!
One Response
Nice post, wish I had read this before spending ~2 hours wondering why my code wasnt working as expected :)