Implementing coverage in SystemVerilog can become a challenging task. Horia presents the last article from a series of 3, on how to implement flexible coverage.
AMIQ: How to Implement Flexible Coverage Definitions (Part 3)
Henry Chan presents a high level overview of the uvm_reg package:
SemiEngineering: UVM Register Layer: The Structure
Here it is a funny way of explaining verification to a kid:
Gaurav Jalan: Learning Verification with Angry Birds
You should always use the macro `uvm_error() instead of uvm_report_error() function. Here’s why:
Munjal: Be careful while writing UVM Report Messages
Keisuke Shimizu, from ClueLogic, shows how you can define/redefine the printing policy of UVM objects using do_print and uvm_printer:
ClueLogic: UVM Tutorial for Candy Lovers – 33. Defining do_print
CFSVision highlights a common mistake about naming scopes and constraints in SystemVerilog:
CFSVision: SystemVerilog Gotcha: In-line Constraints Scope